The media can be blamed for many things, and it seems as though this time is no exception. Cinemas across the country have been bombarding all of us with all manner of dark and cruel films. Part of the result of all this hellish activity has been the emergence of ghoulish looking every day items. Of particular interest in this article are the very creative jewellery pieces that have emerged recently.
Catwalk designers have been hard at work looking for the next level up in shock-factor adornments and jewellery. One fine example of such work has been jewellery that mimics the look, and in many cases the mechanical movement, of our bones. Hand and skull bones have, in particular, come under close scrutiny. Worn like an open-air glove that sits on the top of your hands, one such creepy piece of jewellery involved a hand gauntlet made to look like golden metallic hand bones, with what look to be long fingertip nails.
Other pieces of impressive designer metal-wear came in the form of scary facemasks. Both these facemasks covered the top half of the face and head, having nose and eye holes, one adorned with a thick set of pearls, the other with something resembling a chain chin strap.
Other such pieces of scary jewellery have included pendants in the shape of rib cages, blood-vial necklaces and gladiator-style sandals with a feet bone shaped leather across their tops.